
JDK 6 introduced ServiceLoader. ServiceLoader loads things based on flat files in the directory META-INF/services from the Java classpath. The mechanism of using META-INF/services has been around since JDK 1.3, under the name of Java Extension Mechanism.

This library aims to provide a backport compatibility of Service Provider Interface APIs to Java5.

To use it, just add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


or, for systems that have to be compiled in both JDKs 5 and 6, add it in a JDK5 proper profile:


Now you can use the backported ServiceLoader:

import java.util.ServiceLoader;
ServiceLoader<HelloService> ldr = ServiceLoader.load( HelloService.class );
for ( HelloService provider : ldr )
    doSomething( provider );

where HelloService is the interface/abstract class of the service.

Discovering Services types only

Starting from 1.0.1 version, the Backport SPI introduces a new feature to allow users to iterate over Service Class iterator, to know only the types which implement the discovered Service:

import java.util.ServiceLoader;
ServiceLoader<HelloService> ldr = ServiceLoader.load( HelloService.class );
Iterator<Class<? extends HelloService>> serviceClassIterator = ldr.typesIterator();
while ( serviceClassIterator.hasNext() )
    // do something